Map of All Airports in Metro Bay Area

List of All Airports in Metro Bay Area

Map KeyAirport IdentifierAirport NameCity
05CLPope Valley AirportPope Valley
0Q3Sonoma Valley AirportSchellville/Sonoma
0Q9Sonoma Skypark AirportSonoma
10CNAdventist Health St Helena HeliportSt Helena
13CLMaine Prairie AirportDixon
15CAStanford Health Care East HeliportPalo Alto
16CAPolice Pistol Range HeliportSan Francisco
17CABrookside Hospital HeliportSan Pablo
1CL3Alameda County Parking Garage HeliportOakland
1Q5Gravelly Valley AirportPotter Valley
20CLMysterious Valley AirportPope Valley
22CACommodore Center Seaplane BaseMill Valley
2CL1Canyon Creek HeliportMorgan Hill
2CN5Regional Medical Center Of San Jose H1 HeliportSan Jose
43CNMazza AirportPetaluma
4CA2Funny Farm AirportBrentwood
4CA3Camp Parks HeliportPleasanton
53CLLofty Redwoods AirportAnchor Bay
55CANaval Hospital HeliportOakland
59CALittle Hands AirportSan Ramon
5CA3San Rafel Private HeliportSan Rafel
5CA9Konocti - Clear Lake Seaplane BaseKelseyville
5CL2St Louise Regional Hospital HeliportGilroy
60CAQ Area HeliportConcord
63CNMeadowlark FieldLivermore
7CA9River Meadow Farm HeliportRutherford
7CL1Children's Hospital Oakland HeliportOakland
81CA7-M Ranch AirportMiddletown
81CLSandhill HeliportOrinda
82CLFort Bragg AirportFort Bragg
85CARedwood Coast Medical Services HeliportGualala
88CARegional Medical Center San Jose H2 HeliportSan Jose
8Q0Travis Air Force Base Aero ClubFairfield
CA14U of C - Richmond Field Station HeliportRichmond
CA26Hall of Justice HeliportSan Francisco
CA27Alcatraz HeliportSan Francisco
CA30Commodore HeliportSan Francisco
CA33County Medical Center HeliportSan Jose
CA34Flea Port HeliportSan Jose
CA35San Rafael AirportSan Rafael
CA39Belos Cavalos AirportSanta Rosa
CA51The Sea Ranch AirportThe Sea Ranch
CA57Blake Sky Park AirportVacaville
CA63John Muir Walnut Creek Medical Center HeliportWalnut Creek
CL05Wells Fargo Bank Operations Center HeliportFremont
CL36Allan Ranch Flight Park UltralightportWindsor
CL39St. Helena Fire Department HeliportSt Helena
CL41Oakland Convention Center HeliportOakland
CL51Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital HeliportSanta Rosa
CL53Redbud Community Hospital HeliportClearlake
CL64Washington Hospital Parking Structure HeliportFremont
CL69Sutter Lakeside Hospital HeliportLakeport
CL85Infineon Raceway Pad 1 HeliportSonoma
CL86McCandless Towers HeliportSanta Clara
CL96Vaca Valley Hospital HeliportVacaville
CN01Mendocino Coast District Hospital HeliportFort Bragg
CN02San Francisco VA Medical Center HeliportSan Francisco
CN06Infineon Raceway Pad 2 HeliportSonoma
CN14Queen of the Valley Hospital HeliportNapa
CN19Las Serpientes AirportKnightsen
CN20Ferndale Resort Seaplane BaseKelseyville
CN88Kaiser Permanente Vacaville HeliportVacaville
E20Lake Berryessa Seaplane BaseNapa
E55Ocean Ridge AirportGualala
JMCCommodore Center HeliportMill Valley
K1O2Lampson FieldLakeport
K2O3Angwin Parrett FieldAngwin
KAPCNapa County AirportNapa
KC83Byron AirportByron
KCCRBuchanan FieldConcord
KCSYCrissy FieldSan Francisco
KD83Boonville AirportBoonville
KDVOMarin County Airport - Gnoss FieldNovato
KE16San Martin AirportSan Martin
KHAFHalf Moon Bay AirportHalf Moon Bay
KHWDHayward Executive AirportHayward
KLLRLittle River AirportLittle River
KLVKLivermore Municipal AirportLivermore
KNGZAlameda Naval Air StationAlameda
KNUQMoffett Federal AirfieldMountain View
KO09Round Valley AirportCovelo
KO28Ells Field Willits Municipal AirportWillits
KO60Cloverdale Municipal AirportCloverdale
KO69Petaluma Municipal AirportPetaluma
KO88Rio Vista Municipal AirportRio Vista
KOAKMetropolitan Oakland International AirportOakland
KPAOPalo Alto Airport of Santa Clara CountyPalo Alto
KRHVReid-Hillview Airport of Santa Clara CountySan Jose
KSFOSan Francisco International AirportSan Francisco
KSJCNorman Y. Mineta San Jose International AirportSan Jose
KSQLSan Carlos AirportSan Carlos
KSTSCharles M. Schulz Sonoma County AirportSanta Rosa
KSUUTravis Air Force BaseFairfield
KUKIUkiah Municipal AirportUkiah
KVCBNut Tree AirportVacaville
LA22PG&E Livermore Training Center HeliportLivermore
O31Healdsburg Municipal AirportHealdsburg
SRFHamilton FieldSan Rafael
US-0225Treasure Island HelipadSan Francisco
US-0292Good Samaritan Hospital HeliportSan Jose
US-0295John Muir Mt. Diablo Medical Center HeliportBrentwood
US-0297Kaiser Permanente Medical Center Santa Clara HeliportSanta Clara
US-0387Adventist Health Howard Memorial HeliportWillits
US-1060David Grant USAF Medical Center HeliportFairfield
US-1206Stanford Health Care-Valleycare HeliportPleasanton
US-1224Inglenook Ranch AirportRutherford
US-1567Eden Valley Ranch / Albert Seeno Jr AirstripWillits
US-2319Farallon Islands AWRS HelipadSan Francisco
US-2357Montgomery Airfield / Marina AirfieldSan Francisco
US-2359San Mateo Highlands AirfieldSan Mateo
US-2361Bay Meadows AirportSan Mateo
US-2362San Mateo AirportSan Mateo
US-2363Belmont AirportBelmont
US-2364San Francisco Downtown HeliportSan Francisco
US-2365Paul Mantz Seaplane BaseSan Francisco
US-2366Treasure Island Naval Auxiliary AirfieldSan Francisco
US-2367Treasure Island (Pan American / Clipper Cove) Seaplane BaseSan Francisco
US-2369White AirportFort Bragg
US-2370Point Arena Hotel AirfieldPoint Arena
US-2374Union Lumber Company AirfieldFort Bragg
US-2377Clearlake Oaks AirportClearlake Oaks
US-2379Pearce FieldClearlake
US-2380Clearlake Highlands AirportClearlake
US-2381Calistoga GliderportCalistoga
US-2382Santa Rosa Air CenterSanta Rosa
US-2383Santa Rosa Municipal Airport / Steiner FieldSanta Rosa
US-2384Santa Rosa AirparkSanta Rosa
US-2385Santa Rosa Coddingtown AirportSanta Rosa
US-2390Cooley FieldRedwood City
US-2392Sebastopol Airport / Cnopius FieldSebastopol
US-2393Paul Hoberg AirportMiddletown
US-2394Naval Outlying Landing Field CotatiRohnert Park
US-2396Concord Naval Weapons Station AirfieldConcord
US-2397Concord Airport (1927)Concord
US-2398San Francisco Bay AirdromeAlameda
US-2771Pillar Point Air Force Station HelipadHalf Moon Bay
US-2772UCSF Medical Center at Mission Bay HelipadSan Francisco
US-2773Ravenswood Substation HelipadMenlo Park
US-2774Mountain View AirportMountain View
US-2775Goddard AirportPalo Alto
US-2776Stanford Health Care West HeliportPalo Alto
US-2777Warmsprings AirportMilpitas
US-2778Naval Outlying Landing Field HeathFremont
US-2779Sky Sailing AirportFremont
US-2780Skyways AirportFremont
US-2781Centerville AirportFremont
US-2782Fremont Airport / King Skylanes AirportFremont
US-2783US Coast Guard Base Alameda HelipadAlameda
US-2784Laney College HeliportOakland
US-2785Berkeley Marina HeliportBerkeley
US-2786Lafayette HeliportLafayette
US-2787International Science Center HeliportSunnyvale
US-2788Santa Clara Valley AirportSunnyvale
US-2789Alum Rock AirportSan Jose
US-2790Pacific Airmotive / King Road AirportSan Jose
US-2792Hoover Lake AirstripMorgan Hill
US-2793Hiller AirfieldMenlo Park
US-2794Morgan Hill Airmen Landing StripMorgan Hill
US-2795Livermore Sky RanchLivermore
US-2796Naval Outlying Landing Field Mays SchoolLivermore
US-2797Naval Air Station LivermoreLivermore
US-2798Hummingbird Haven AirportLivermore
US-2799Parks Air Force BaseDublin
US-2801Cherry Flat Landing StripSan Jose
US-2802Benicia AirportBenicia
US-2803Mare Island Naval Shipyard AirfieldVallejo
US-2804Martinez AirportMartinez
US-2805Discovery Bay AirportDiscovery Bay
US-2806Stan's AirparkVallejo
US-2807Vallejo Sky HarborVallejo
US-2808Sherman FieldPleasant Hill
US-2809San Rafael / Marin County AirportSan Rafael
US-2810San Francisco Bay AirportSan Rafael
US-2811United States Coast Guard Pacific Strike Team HelipadNovato
US-2812Bowers FieldGualala
US-2813Bodega Bay HelipadBodega Bay
US-2814Bodega Bay Seaplane BaseBodega Bay
US-2816Willits Airport (1957)Willits
US-2817US Coast Guard Station Bodega Bay HelipadBodega Bay
US-2818Hay Ranch AirportPoint Arena
US-2819US Coast Guard Point Arena HeliportPoint Arena
WJBKBerkeley Municipal HeliportOakland

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