Lewis and Clark Middle School Profile and Stats | |
School Name | Lewis and Clark Middle School |
District | Meridian Joint School District 2 |
Address | 4141 EAST PINE STREET Meridian, 83642 |
County | Ada County |
Enrollment | 850 |
Majority Ethnicity/Race | White: 71% |
Free or Reduced Lunch Program | 20.59% |
Title 1 School | No |
Lewis and Clark Middle School Student Demographics | ||
Asian | 22 | 2.59% |
Black/African American | 35 | 4.12% |
Hispanic | 149 | 17.53% |
Native American | 5 | 0.59% |
Pacific Islander | 3 | 0.35% |
White | 600 | 70.59% |
Mixed Race | 36 | 4.24% |