New Jersey Counties

There are a total of 21 Counties in New Jersey. The most populous County is Bergen County with 906781 residents. The least populous County is Salem County with 66007 residents.

Map List Related

Map of All Counties in New Jersey

List of All Counties in New Jersey

Map KeyNamePopulation
Atlantic County274,402
Bergen County906,781
Burlington County449,117
Camden County513,660
Cape May County96,987
Cumberland County156,864
Essex County783,840
Gloucester County288,187
Hudson County636,194
Hunterdon County127,996
Mercer County366,442
Middlesex County811,064
Monmouth County629,263
Morris County493,472
Ocean County575,961
Passaic County500,168
Salem County66,007
Somerset County323,650
Sussex County148,962
Union County536,383
Warren County108,488