SNAP/Food Stamp Participation in Kansas

of the 105 Counties in Kansas The County with the highest percentage of residents receiving SNAP/Food Stamps is Bourbon County with 12.7%. The County with the lowest percentage of residents receiving SNAP/Food Stamps is Gray County with 1.8%. The data is provided by the US Department of Agriculture (July 2023).

Map List Related

Map of Kansas SNAP/Food Stamp Participation Rate by County

5% to 10%
10% to 15%
15% to 20%
20% to 25%
> 25%

List of Counties in Kansas with SNAP/Food Stamp Participation Rate (July 2023)

Map KeyNameTotal SNAP/Food Stamp RecipientsPercentage of Residents Receiving SNAP/Food Stamps
Allen County1,41010.6%
Anderson County4625.7%
Atchison County1,3708.1%
Barber County2324.8%
Barton County2,1707.9%
Bourbon County1,91712.7%
Brown County7948.0%
Butler County3,5665.4%
Chase County1294.6%
Chautauqua County39210.7%
Cherokee County2,19210.2%
Cheyenne County1144.2%
Clark County1044.7%
Clay County3373.9%
Cloud County6436.8%
Coffey County5766.7%
Comanche County824.3%
Cowley County3,91410.8%
Crawford County4,04310.3%
Decatur County1434.9%
Dickinson County1,1185.7%
Doniphan County4245.3%
Douglas County4,9154.4%
Edwards County1605.3%
Elk County2107.3%
Ellis County1,0703.8%
Ellsworth County3044.7%
Finney County2,8847.9%
Ford County2,2146.6%
Franklin County1,7296.7%
Geary County2,8708.4%
Gove County632.3%
Graham County983.7%
Grant County4585.9%
Gray County1101.8%
Greeley County292.4%
Greenwood County5508.3%
Hamilton County1365.1%
Harper County3616.0%
Harvey County2,2346.5%
Haskell County1313.1%
Hodgeman County613.1%
Jackson County6014.5%
Jefferson County6383.4%
Jewell County1615.2%
Johnson County11,8742.2%
Kearny County1654.2%
Kingman County3884.9%
Kiowa County1345.3%
Labette County2,35310.9%
Lane County835.0%
Leavenworth County3,7885.0%
Lincoln County1524.7%
Linn County8258.6%
Logan County1284.6%
Lyon County2,3046.8%
Marion County5734.6%
Marshall County4624.6%
Mcpherson County1,1624.0%
Meade County2124.7%
Miami County1,5394.7%
Mitchell County2944.6%
Montgomery County3,69310.5%
Morris County3015.1%
Morton County1344.2%
Nemaha County2842.8%
Neosho County1,5089.1%
Ness County892.9%
Norton County2835.0%
Osage County9475.8%
Osborne County2235.8%
Ottawa County2904.8%
Pawnee County3445.0%
Phillips County2103.8%
Pottawatomie County8023.7%
Pratt County4464.6%
Rawlins County1044.1%
Reno County4,7947.5%
Republic County1883.8%
Rice County5995.9%
Riley County2,8283.9%
Rooks County2595.0%
Rush County1845.6%
Russell County5097.3%
Saline County3,9617.1%
Scott County1543.2%
Sedgwick County51,12110.3%
Seward County1,3826.0%
Shawnee County16,4749.3%
Sheridan County532.1%
Sherman County4277.1%
Smith County1704.4%
Stafford County2275.2%
Stanton County653.0%
Stevens County1943.4%
Sumner County1,6927.0%
Thomas County2583.3%
Trego County1073.6%
Wabaunsee County3094.4%
Wallace County563.7%
Washington County1853.2%
Wichita County1104.9%
Wilson County8388.9%
Woodson County1875.7%
Wyandotte County18,53011.8%