Military Bases and Facilities in West Virginia

There are a total of 8 Military Bases and Facilities in West Virginia.
Map List Related

Map of US Military Bases and Facilities in West Virginia

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List of All Military Bases and Facilities in West Virginia

LocationBranchRegionZIP Code
Allegany Ballistics Lab
NavyShenandoah Valley Region26753
Camp Dawson
Morgantown Area26425
Elkins Army Guard
ArmyClarksburg-Weston Area26257
Ewvra Shepherd Field
Hagerstown Area25405
Jackson County Army Guard
ArmyCharleston-Huntington Area25262
Naval Information Operations Command Sugar Grove
NavyShenandoah Valley Region26815
Parkersburg-Wheeling-Steubenville Area26187
Yeager Airport
Charleston-Huntington Area25311