ZIP Code 59756 - Warm Springs Montana

ZIP Code 59756 is located in Warm Springs Montana. Portions of 59756 are also in Anaconda. 59756 is entirely within Deer Lodge County. Regionally, 59756 is located in the Butte-Bozeman-Helena Area.

Stats Demographics Geography Politics Schools Climate Related Pages

ZIP Code 59756 Quick Stats

ZIP Code NameWarm Springs
Primary CountyDeer Lodge County
ZIP Code TypePO Box
Population (2022)339
Area Code(s)406
Current Time

ZIP Code 59756 Map

59756 Demographics

The majority race/ethnicity residing in 59756 is White. The current unemployment level in 59756 is 2.7%.

Population Growth Rate-30.48%
Population Density5 People per Square Mile
Total Households13
Current Unemployment Rate (July 2024)2.7%
Majority Race/EthnictyWhite - 86.50%

59756 Race/Ethnicty Breakdown

Native American216.73%
Hawaiian/Pac. Islander10.32%

59756 Educational Attainment Levels

Highest Education Level AttainedTotalPercentage
Less Than 1 Year of College00%
Bachelor Degree2410.26%
High School Diploma6527.78%
No High School Diploma41.71%
GED or Alternate3414.53%
1 or More Years of College6427.35%
Associates Degree4318.38%
Masters Degree00%
Professional Degree00%
Doctorate Degree00%

59756 Geography

Adjacent ZIP Codes
Cities/Towns in 59756
RegionButte-Bozeman-Helena Area
Time ZoneMountain Daylight Time
IANA TimezoneAmerica/Denver
Area67 Square Miles

59756 Politics

US Congressional Districts in 59756
Montana State Senate Districts in 59756
Montana State House of Representatives Districts in 59756

59756 Weather and Climate Data

Plant Hardiness ZoneZone 4b: -25F to -20F
Average First Frost DateSeptember 11 - 20
Average Last Frost DateJune 11 - 20
Koppen-Geiger Climate ZoneDfb - Humid Continental Mild Summer, Wet All Year
Ecoregion17ak - Deer Lodge-Philipsburg-Avon Grassy Intermontane Hills and Valleys

59756 Annual Climate Data

Avg Min Temp (°F)11162026344146443628191328
Avg Max Temp (°F)31374352617079796856413354
Avg Precip (In.).

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